Nuestras clínicas

Clínica Dental en el Puerto de Santa María

MICA: 61191

Grupo Dental Clinics es el centro odontológico de referencia en Andalucía.

Nuestra misión es llevar un servicio odontológico de máxima calidad muy cerca de ti. Y hacer que cada una de nuestras clínicas dentales trabaje de forma autónoma: siendo capaz de ofrecerte, en un solo espacio, todo lo que tu salud oral necesita.

En nuestra clínica dental en Puerto de Santa María, contamos con todo lo que necesitas para lucir una sonrisa sana y bonita:


Un equipo de odontólogos de primer nivel y apasionados por su trabajo. La experiencia, el conocimiento, la investigación continua y la orientación al paciente definen el método de nuestros profesionales. Pero, sobre todo, lo mucho que disfrutan haciendo lo que más les gusta: ayudarte a que luzcas tu mejor sonrisa.

Una clínica dental acogedora y equipada con la última tecnología. Diseñada con dos claros objetivos: ser capaces de ofrecerte los tratamientos más punteros del mercado y hacerte sentir como en casa en cada una de tus visitas.

Con Grupo Dental Clinics tu salud oral está en las mejores manos. Conoce nuestra clínica dental en Puerto de Santa María y pasa a formar parte de esta gran familia.

951 38 76 03

Llama ahora y atenderemos tu consulta al momento

654 26 32 21

Si lo prefieres, también te atendemos por Whatsapp

601 442 813

Llama ahora y atenderemos tu consulta al momento

601 442 813

Si lo prefieres, también te atendemos por Whatsapp


Nuestro horario de apertura es de
L-J de 10:00—14:00 y de 15:00—19:00


Incluye revisión + radiografía

Galería de las instalaciones

La última tecnología y todo el confort que necesitas para sentirte en casa

Dientes Fijos en 24 horas

Disfruta de una sonrisa completa en una sola intervención con nuestros implantes dentales de carga inmediata. ¡Tu sonrisa renovada en 24 horas!


Tecnología punta y laboratorio protésico propio en uno de los tratamientos dentales más importantes de la odontología. Renueva tu sonrisa con todas las garantías.

Odontología General

Nuestra visión integral de la odontología coordina todas las disciplinas hasta diseñar el tratamiento personalizado que tu sonrisa necesita.

Ortodoncia Invisible

Alinear tu sonrisa y resolver los problemas de malposición y mordida nunca fue tan fácil. Contamos con las ortodoncia Invisbile más revolucionarias del mercado.

Tratamientos de Estética Dental

Nuestro servicio de estética dental te ofrece la posibilidad de diseñar progresivamente, y a medida, la apariencia que quieres para tu sonrisa.


Calle Virgen de los Milagros, 94, 11500 El Puerto de Santa María

Titin Gil
Titin Gil
11:22 26 Jun 24
Concepcion Perez Lores
Concepcion Perez Lores
11:20 26 Jun 24
Juan luis
Juan luis
18:13 31 May 24
Nuria Blanco
Nuria Blanco
16:48 30 Apr 24
Antonio Oliva
Antonio Oliva
14:50 04 Apr 24
Eva Velázquez
Eva Velázquez
16:56 27 Mar 24
Juan Gomez Garcia
Juan Gomez Garcia
10:59 28 Sep 23
They are excellent professionals, unparalleled friendliness and wonderful hands, you don’t know anything, they saved the punctures from the anesthesia but it is a small thing (in short, highly advisable) Thank you for the treatment, a hug for both of you.leer más
manuel ortega valenzuela
manuel ortega valenzuela
12:44 25 Sep 23
Hello, I have been having oral problems for some time, but by decision, the high cost and the torture that comes with months for a possible fix, I had put it on hold until your advertising and the relaxing color of your clinic made me go in and ask, I was super Surprised by the attention received by a very pleasant team and an immediate study of my mouth that, given the cutting-edge technology they apply and of course, prices, discounts and the speed with which the treatment would be performed, made me not hesitate any more and request the corresponding appointment.leer más
majose gra Oj
majose gra Oj
20:02 15 Sep 23
The clinic is very well 100% clean and the best of all the staff is super familiar and friendly, they help you with everything you need and the hands of the implantologist are the best in the world, they treat you with care, I recommend it 1000 x 100leer más
Jose Manuel Ortega Garcia
Jose Manuel Ortega Garcia
18:47 28 Aug 23
I had my first visit last Tuesday and one thing that I appreciate a lot is that as soon as I entered, they greeted me with a smile. Later in the office they were super patient with me because I am very afraid of going to the dentist but they were very understanding.leer más
Paco Maldonado
Paco Maldonado
14:29 19 Aug 23
My father had his remaining pieces removed and on the same day the implants and provisional teeth were placed in the afternoon! Incredible ! He was very afraid but he tells me that he had fillings that have hurt much more than! They are the best without a doubt! Millions of thanksleer más
Tomas Bretón Suano
Tomas Bretón Suano
10:20 21 Jul 23
I am Tomás Bretón, today they treated me for an implant and I have to say that everything has been perfect, especially the attention of all the staff who are by your side at all times and the doctor who treated me is a 10 super super specialist from I’m telling you the truth and then the super modern facilities and great cleaning, well, and also to tell you that the implant has been very fast and without any discomfort, how much I would have liked to know this clinic sooner.Thank youleer más
mariano flores
mariano flores
11:52 14 Jul 23
Excellent clinic I cannot highlight any of them because they are all wonderful, the treatment is schist,The phenomenal job I finally found a totally trustworthy clinic.I recommend it for sureleer más
María Guerrero
María Guerrero
17:59 07 Jul 23
I’m Marilo. I met you very recently through the RRSS and I couldn’t be happier to have made that first call in which Ana informed me of everything, reassured me and gave me an appointment on the same day. From there everything has gone smoothly, I continue with my treatment and shortly I will finish a first part (provisional fixed implants). Fear, insecurity, anxiety,… have disappeared since I am in the hands of these great professionals with tremendous human qualities. Ana, Patri, Olga and Miguel thank you very much for that closeness, tenderness, empathy and professionalism that helps us so much and that changes our lives! you are awesome!! 👏😘leer más
dolores otero rojo
dolores otero rojo
14:23 20 Jun 23
I asked for information, and the next day they called me to make an appointment to inform me of everything (treatment and method of payment). We reached an agreement and that same afternoon we started the treatment (they put 5 implants). The next day he had all his teeth put!!!The treatment of the staff from the first to the last extraordinary. The truth is that I am very happy and my husband, of course, much more. Thank you Dental Clinicsleer más
Isabel Ojeda Alegre
Isabel Ojeda Alegre
20:37 05 Jun 23
You are the reason for the huge smile I am wearing right now (and absolutely no pain). Thanks to all this spectacular team, for being so patient, tolerant and professional.I am super grateful to all the staff for your incredible work and your treatment, you are charming!!!😘😘leer más
Manuel Lopez
Manuel Lopez
08:07 31 May 23
I have been very happy with everything, especially for the treatment and professionalism.
jose valencia simracing
jose valencia simracing
10:55 24 May 23
I wanted to thank the entire team at Puerto Santa María for everything.The good treatment you receive from ANA as soon as you enter the clinic.Olga the director who found us a solution to my problem.Patricia, a charming woman who performed the scan and cleaning before the surgery and finally MIGUEL the surgeon who has the hands of a saint, I did not feel any pain during the surgery and now 24 hours later I feel great,I recommend the DENTAL CLINICS 100X100 group.THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR EVERYTHING 😚😊leer más
Isa Granados
Isa Granados
12:13 23 May 23
Excellent!!!! Two weeks ago today I had the surgery and I’m perfectly fine, but not only after two weeks but from day one!!!A radical change in just 24 hours!!! Incredible indeed!!! And I was panicking, but the piece of equipment got me through it great.Wonderful outfit!!! Thanks for everything!!!leer más
David Parada rosa
David Parada rosa
21:13 18 May 23
Today I have completed my surgeries and come out with my teeth. Excellent surgeon, assistant, receptionist from Sanlúcar, charming… all the people who complete the human team of this clinic. Impressive how they have left me and knowing that they are provisional I am crazy to see the final ones. They have changed my life, I highly recommend it, incredible value for money and spectacular human treatment. Thank you truly for making everything possible.😘😘😘😘leer más
Mariano Esplá Barrios (Nano)
Mariano Esplá Barrios (Nano)
13:14 18 May 23
From the moment you enter through its doors, you are received with exquisite attention and treatment. All the staff are looking out for you, and they look for the best solution for you, depending on your needs and situation, an empathy that is much appreciated. In my particular case, they found a fantastic solution and treatment.Thank you very much, you are great.leer más
Juan caso garcia
Juan caso garcia
16:59 16 May 23
Very professional treatment. More concerned about health aspects than economic ones.
Isabel Carrillo
Isabel Carrillo
14:01 16 May 23
I have been very happy with the result and the deal was flattering for you
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