Get to know the patients BEFORE and AFTER their treatment

En Dental Clinics Group we have a clear objective: to solve the real oral health problems of all our patients in the provinces of Malaga, Granada, Jaén, Almeria and Cadiz.

Our working method is based in transparency, honesty and a clear vocation of service that makes our dentists never settle. We have a dental team with great experience and technical expertise that remains in continuous training to be up-to-date in technology and patient care. And we offer real treatments for real problems.

But we don't want to be the ones to tell you: we want them, our patients, the families that year after year continue to entrust us with their oral health.

Why? A close treatment, a method based on quality care, transparency and honesty, personalized and painless treatments, a place where you can feel at home ... There are many reasons to choose us and it is their smiles that speak for us


Before and after

The first visit is free!

Includes review + x-ray

Contact us

Choose the clinic you want to make your query and we will contact you in a very short time giving you an answer.

Remember that you also have us available on our usual channels on social networks or by calling each clinic directly.

dental financing

601 442 813

Call now and we will answer your query at the moment


If you prefer, we also serve you by Whatsapp

