Many people, when they want to be done dental aesthetic treatments, they do not really know what treatment should be done and when they come to their dental doctor, they simply do not know how to explain what treatment they want to apply. That is why today we want to talk to you about each one of them so that they know well, what is the treatment indicated for you according to the situation.

The dental implantsThey have been used to replace missing teeth since the mid-1960s, but in recent years their use has become much more widespread. They can be used to hold crowns that replace individual missing teeth, bridges that restore a longer span of missing teeth or even dentures

Implants are made of titanium, a metal that is known to be compatible with body tissues and can bond with adjacent bone during healing. There is now a large body of evidence from studies and clinical experience to show that dental implants are a safe and convenient way to replace missing teeth with natural-looking results.

Moreover, the dentures They are artificial elements that have been designed to restore the anatomy of one or more teeth, making teeth complete and aesthetically good. Dental implants can be fixed or semi-fixed. So it all depends on the type that each person wants to use.

Prostheses are usually much more economic, since they are false teeth that you can add to your teeth without having to be doing surgery of any kind. In addition, these are used to prevent those empty spaces from making the teeth that are in their correct position, end up moving and make the teeth lose their shape.

At Grupo Dental Clinics we provide solutions to all kinds of dental problems in our clinics located in different Malaga towns and areas of the capital.


Benefits of using dental implants?

Dental implants have several important advantages on conventional crowns, bridges and prostheses:

  1. Implants look and feel like natural teeth.
  2. Implants they work in the same way as natural teeth and there are no difficulties in eating or cleaning the teeth.
  3. Healthy adjacent teeth do not have to be filed away to act as supports for the missing tooth or teeth. This means that they are therefore less likely to need root fillers.
  4. The presence of the implant maintains bone structure under the replaced tooth, as the chewing forces are transmitted through the implant to the bone and stimulate the natural process of bone renewal. This helps preserve the good appearance of both the restored teeth and the face.
  5. Dental implants can be used to give a firm grip on removable dentures.
  6. With dental implants, it is not necessary to use special glues to hold false teeth in place, as is the case with some dentures.


Benefits of wearing dentures

The dentures have several benefits, among which are:

  1. Dentures are one of the few restorative treatments that can replace all types of missing teeth, regardless of whether they were lost to gum disease, tooth decay, or dental injury. They replace teeth to give you a full smile.
  2. By replacing your teeth with a synthetic but beautiful smile, it can increase your confidence in yourself.
  3. By restoring your teeth, dentures improve the function of your mouth and your ability to speak and chew properly.
  4. Dentures also support your facial features, preventing the side effects of missing teeth, such as drooping cheeks.
  5. Denture placement is considered conservative dental treatment.
  6. You can easily remove your traditional dentures when it's time to clean them, or if you don't want to wear them right now. Dentures are optimal tooth replacement options because they can replace all or most of your missing teeth.


What can I use if I do not have dental bones?

Teeth are NOT bones. Teeth are made up of three hard materials (Enamel, Dentin and Cement) and one soft (Pulp).

This is where the question that many people ask themselves comes in, if they do not have dental bonesWhat type of treatment can I use, dental implants or prostheses? and the answer is not complicated at all. If you don't have bones in the dental part, you can use a dental prosthesis or if it is more serious, some zygomatic implants.

If you want to use an implant and you have no bones, you have to place a bone first to be able to place the implant, since when you use an implant, you have to fix it to the bone, and if you have no bone or the bone is not strong enough, it will cause the implant to fail completely. AND if you do not have the bone, you simply will not have a support to place the implant

On the other hand, the prostheses have a base that with a special gel can be fixed to the mouth without needing the bone. Perhaps at first it may be somewhat uncomfortable even to speak and eat, since it can move because it does not attach to the mouth. Prostheses are ideal for older people, since over time they lose their gum bones and also their teeth and therefore they look for a way to be able to exercise the functions they need when it comes to eating and to feel good about themselves. 

If you want to use implants even though you don't have bone, you have to get a bone graft. A dental implant through a bone graft is one of the most common solutions to fill a gap caused by the loss of a tooth. However, a small problem can arise that can put a wrinkle on the entire procedure: whether or not you have enough bone.

Many dental surgeons recommend obtaining a dental implant immediately after losing a tooth (although it is also acceptable in the next six months) to prevent bone loss. Bone loss can complicate the dental implant process and, depending on the severity, will require a bone graft.

The best recommendation we can give you is that you go to a free appointment with Grupo Dental Clinics to find out what option you have in each of these cases. Again we remind you that the most successful option in case you do not have bone is a prosthesis, if not, you must require a bone graft to be able to have a dental implant.

Many people, when they want to be done dental aesthetic treatments, they don't really know what treatment they should have and when they get to their doctor
dentist, they simply do not know how to explain what treatment they want to apply. That is why today we want to talk to you about each one of them in order to
that they know well, what is the treatment indicated for you according to the situation.

The dental implantsThey have been used to replace missing teeth since the mid-1960s, but in recent years their use has become much more widespread. They can be used to hold crowns that replace individual missing teeth, bridges that restore a longer span of missing teeth or even dentures

Implants are made of titanium, a metal that is known to be compatible with body tissues and can bond with adjacent bone during
healing. There is now a great deal of evidence from studies and clinical experience to show that dental implants are a way
Safe and convenient way to replace missing teeth with natural-looking results. 

Moreover, the dentures are artificial elements that have been destined to be able to restore the anatomy of one or more teeth, making teeth complete and aesthetically good.

Dental implants can be fixed or semi-fixed. So it all depends on the type that each person wants to use. Prostheses are usually much more economic, since they are teeth hairpieces that you can add to your teeth without having to do surgeries of any kind. In addition, these are used to prevent those spaces gaps make the teeth that are in their correct position, finish moving around and cause the denture to lose its shape.

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