The impact of aesthetics today is abysmal. Many people are trying to perfect their bodies not naturally but through surgery. And the dental part also comes into play. There are people who for major causes have to be done dental surgeries to perfect an injury suffered, but others do it because they simply want to look and feel better. And this is where the TTFA comes into play.


For its acronym in English, TeethToday Full Arch, TTFA is an exclusive treatment, which allows restore all teeth with dental implants in a single session. Another name that can be given to this treatment is to fix the entire mouth.


This treatment lasts approximately 4 hours, although the patient's sensation only takes about 30 minutes, during which time the patient is asleep. At this time, the anesthetist, who specializes in dental sedation, is responsible for ensuring that the patient sleeps and enjoys a pleasant sensation.


How much does it cost to fix your entire mouth?

En Dental Clinics Group the price of fix your mouth is 5990€ per arch with 4 implants.

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Benefits of getting a full mouth or TTFA


This type of procedure has multiple benefits and not only aesthetic benefits, among its main ones are:

  1. It's a short-term procedure. This indicates that you will not have to wait weeks or months to see the change in your mouth, as with other treatments, which have to do several sessions to see your full teeth.
  2. This technique is minimally invasive. You won't feel like your whole mouth is going to open or some bones are going to drop to get the job done. You will also not have bruises at the end of the session as with other dental procedures similar to this.
  3. You will have your implants immediately. This point is the one that people like the most, since they will be able to have their teeth immediately. In other procedures, they have to wait months to see the implants.
  4. It's a definitive treatment, recovers function and aesthetics in a single day.
  5. They are going to give you a natural appearance of your teeth.


What's the difference between getting a full mouth and removable dentures?

Traditionally, dentures have been the most common treatment option for replace missing teeth. Although it is a great solution, dentures can often be uncomfortable to wear and may have dietary restrictions, such as avoiding crunchy or sticky foods. They also need to be cleaned daily and replaced every few years.

When you apply the TTFA treatment or fix your full mouth, you will have an excellent alternative that can provide a more natural appearance for replacement teeth. As they act like the roots of natural teeth, they feel much more natural to chew and don't move in the mouth. Implants can be cared for just like natural teeth with brushing and flossing twice a day, and with good care, they could last a lifetime.


Who is suitable to get a full mouth done or to apply the TTFA treatment?

This treatment can be done by anyone, but mainly, it was designed for people with total loss of teethEither from an accident or other causes, as long as you have the bone. It also applies to people who have lost their teeth due to being seriously damaged by tooth decay or gum disease and they need to be removed.

To be eligible for this procedure, as we mentioned earlier, you must have enough bone to place the implants. It is also preferable that the candidate is a non-smoker and does not suffer from diabetes, as these two points can create complications in the implant healing process.

The best way to know if you are a suitable candidate for TFFA implant restoration is to book a consultation with your dental physician as long as he or she specializes in dental implants.


What Happens During the Full Mouth Procedure?

In the procedure, the dentist makes sure that you fully understand what to expect during the TFFA implant procedure. This treatment can sometimes be completed in a single visit, but this depends on the individual case.. Implant restoration to fix the full mouth has 5 stages, which can be completed in one or more appointments:


In this part you will administer Anesthesia local so that you do not feel pain during treatment. You can discuss more sedation options if you have anxiety about dental treatments and need help to feel calm.


If you still have teeth, you should remove them before placing implants. If a large number of teeth need to be extracted, or the doctor detects signs of gum disease or an infection, temporary provisional teeth can be used and your implant treatment continued after your mouth has had time to heal.

Implant placement

If your mouth is ready for place implants, the dentist will prepare the implant sites to avoid infection. The incisions are then carefully made in your gum and the titanium implants are placed safely in the jaw. In most cases, two implants are placed towards the front of the mouth and two in the back, but you may need additional implants depending on the size and condition of your jaw.

Placement of the dental bridge

Once the implants have been placed, we will clean and disinfect the treated areas and connect your artificial dental bridge. Our dentists design these replacement teeth to look as close to natural teeth as possible and the implants will securely anchor them.


After the TFFA procedure is finished, you can go to the recovery room for recover from anesthesia, taking care to avoid straining and following your dentist's advice on food and pain management.


What is the recovery time to get a full mouth fixed?

Recovery after full mouth restoration is usually shorter than for standard dental implants, but it may still take 3-6 months to fully recover.

On the day of surgery, your dental doctor will provide you with gauze to help control bleeding from implant sites. This gauze should be changed every 30 minutes until the bleeding stops. 

Also, if you want to improve the chances of full recovery, you can follow these tips:

  1. Eat soft foods
  2. Get plenty of rest
  3. Avoid strenuous activities
  4. Do not smoke


Risks of getting a full mouth fixed

As with any surgical procedure, there is always a small possibility of risks when it comes to getting a full mouth done. Every dentist, take all precautions to minimize these risks, in order to ensure that you have all the information before accepting treatment so that you can make an informed decision.

The possible risks include infection of implant sites, damage to nerves or blood vessels and possible sinus problems with implants placed in the upper jaw. You will likely feel some pain and discomfort after the procedure, but this can usually be controlled with over-the-counter pain relief medications and home remedies.

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