Tomorrow October 24 is the world climate change day And from Grupo Dental Clinics we want this year to be a year of inflection and change. We take the step to be a network of EcoFriendly and sustainable clinics.

We all know how important it is to minimize the waste we produce, that's why we as group of committed dental clinics With the environment we have been applying small changes for some time that help reduce this waste.

The first that we applied was to replace the resins and silicones that are used to take measurements of various treatments on teeth and implants as well as carry out studies in orthodontic treatments by the intraoral scanner with 3D technology. This change makes it possible virtualize the teeth of our patients and thereby reduce waste. Since we worked with this advance in technology, we have reduced 375 kg of resins and silicones. So that you understand where this data comes from, we inform you that an average of 3 measurements are taken per patient throughout the entire treatment, and each take is between 50-60 grams.

The new measures that we are going to incorporate in all our clinics is to use cardboard cups instead of plastic ones. Use containers to be able to classify the waste generated in the clinics and to be able to recycle it and finally, all the paper that is essential to use will be CO2-free ecological paper.

Little by little we want our clinics to be more and more sustainable and contribute to the fight against climate change.

Grupo Dental Clinics takes care of the environment and your dental health.

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