At Grupo Dental Clinics, we are not scared by the situation and we continue to work with enthusiasm and dedication with our patients. We pretend that, despite everything that has happened, never stop smiling.

We want to take advantage of the costume party, tricks and magic to continue the tradition of getting creative and designing our terrifying creature inspired by a horror tale.

This year he has no teeth! But for this, we have a solution. With the 3D SHAPE system we can make you some at the moment. New to this technology? We tell you a little more:

In our clinics we have the 3D SHAPE system, an innovative experience with excellent results. It is based on CAD-CAM technology.

3d shapes

3D SHAPE is the most efficient and advanced digital scanning, design and fabrication system for dental prostheses, since reduces more than 80% treatment, while your comfort increases.

And what does that mean? That allows us work more easily, quickly, comfortably and efficiently. And, in the same way, we save our patients hassles and sessions. On the other hand, since we worked with this advance in technology, we have reduced 375 kg of resins and silicones. So that you understand where this data comes from, we inform you that an average of 3 measurements are taken per patient throughout the entire treatment, and each take is between 50-60 grams. Thus contributing to be dental clinics more sustainable and committed to climate change.

Taking advantage of Halloween, we want to show you the procedure to get some Terrifyingly real and natural dentures:

We begin with a scan of the mouth, so that a computer program calculates and proposes the ideal prosthesis for the circumstances of our patients. Once adjusted to the measurements of the mouth, we place it precisely in the oral cavity. So easy, so comfortable.

If you want a natural, comfortable and functional result, these are your dental prostheses. Come to Grupo Dental Clinics and we will gladly assist you. And without any fright! This very special Halloween, show off your teeth and fangs very comfortably!

Contact us

Choose the clinic you want to make your query and we will contact you in a very short time giving you an answer.

Remember that you also have us available on our usual channels on social networks or by calling each clinic directly.

dental financing

601 442 813

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